Monday, March 3, 2008

Minnesota Signatures

JP and I have signed the final contract. We asked our neighbors to witness for us too, so the secret is out in our neighborhood! I am affixing postage and sending along to Hilary in Maryland today. Look for it soon, Hanne & Tommy!

I also have an appointment scheduled with my OB on March 14th. She apparently needs to meet with me to complete the paperwork requested of the RE. I've tried to talk myself out of the appointment and subsequent visit fee, but she's not biting. Her voicemail to me again mentioned something about "waiting a year" and I think she's a tad paranoid we're going to run out and get pregnant this month! LOL! Surely she must know me better by now?! We will wait almost a year (chuckle) and are looking forward to the last 2 weeks of July for transfer!

1 comment:

Hanne said...

Juhuu! Contracts on their way. This is really happening :)