Thursday, September 11, 2008

Waiting & Eating & Waiting...

Lots of waiting going on for the next 213 days and maybe some long weeks in between with nothing to post! So I found this cute countdown clock this morning and posted it on the sidebar. If it helps us pass the time ~ great, but if it drives you crazy Hanne & Tommy, let me know and I'll take it down.

It's been a good week, filled with morning sickness and a slowly expanding waistline. Have we talked yet about what types of foods I should be eating to acclimate baby's taste buds? Maybe you need to send some delicious Norwegian recipes that JP can make up? .giggle. Otherwise, I did warn you that I have a craving for Mexican foods while pregnant?! Not the spicy kind (you know me, Miss Minnesota Mild), just the good old fashioned beans, rice & chicken enchiladas and fajitas!


And look at that, it's lunch time!


Hanne said...

The countdown is awesome, what a great idea! 212 days... unbelievable!

Hanne said...

We will make sure to give JP some kitchen chef challenges:) But I guess we can skip the "lutefisk"...