Monday, March 30, 2009

Even the fifth time can seem like the first...

I must admit feeling a little anxious lately. Sanna's been instructed to stay put until her parents arrive, but that doesn't mean that I don't feel like she is definitely getting ready to enter the world! It's all good.

Every birth is different, however. Pregnancy amnesia sets in almost immediately after giving birth and somehow my brain needs a refresher just about now. I was dreaming scenarios last night as I slept and woke every two hours. Will my water break? Will contractions start at 1:00 A.M. again? Will this little girl take her sweet time and we'll end up having to walk all four levels at the MOA and even then the floors of ANW before she is ready?

So I was looking up a few things about false labor v. the real thing (you know, as a refresher) and had to chuckle at the comments about "mom's mood":

Mom’s Mood. One of the biggest indicators that active labor has begun is a big change in mom’s mood: she becomes much more serious. During a contraction, the contraction takes all of her energy and concentration: she can’t walk and talk during a contraction. She doesn’t like distractions in between contractions; just wants to focus on labor.

and then:
Mom’s mood: Because of the intensity of transition, mom’s moods may be volatile. She may be irritable, hostile, confused, disoriented; she may feel trapped and want to go home; may fear she is dying; often very dependent; discouraged or exhausted. It is common for her to say: “I can’t, I can’t.”

The second is a little extreme... and made me chuckle. But I suppose that might have been the way I felt the first time I gave birth to a babe.

Then I came across this, which is how my physician prefers to get through the second stage of labor:

Laboring Down / Delayed Pushing. Some caregivers recommend that mothers with no urge to push, and particularly mothers with an epidural in place, just rest and relax. They recommend waiting to actively push until baby is crowning at the perineum; this may be an hour or more after you reach 10 cm dilation. Laboring down will lead to a longer second stage than a more active, directed pushing, but it’s not as exhausting, and some studies have shown that it leads to fewer instrumental deliveries. Some caregivers are not familiar with this method. If you and your baby are doing well, and tolerating labor well, you may ask if this is an option for you.

I suppose by now you can tell that I'd rather be anywhere but at work for the next two weeks? I spent my lunch hour shopping for Easter baskets and Hanne & Tommy's visit. Tonight I will get a few more things ready for their visit and perhaps pack my own bag for the hospital. No harm in being ready?!


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